Friday, 25 February 2011

Who do you think wrote this?

Mystery writer analyzes gender relationships. But can you identify the author....

But why are there men and women? Human society is composed neither of men alone nor of women alone. It is made up naturally of men and women. Why were not only men created? Why were not only women created? After all, what is the difference between men and women or man and woman? Why was it necessary to create men and women? There must be a natural necessity for the existence of man and woman, rather than man only or woman only. It follows that neither of them is exactly like the other, and the fact that a natural difference exists between men and women is proved by the created existence of men and women. This necessarily means that there is a role for each one of them corresponding to the difference between them. Accordingly, there must be different prevailing conditions for each one in order that they perform their naturally different roles. To comprehend these roles, we must understand the difference in the created nature of man and woman, that is, the natural difference between the two.

Women are females and men are males. According to gynaecologists, women menstruate every month or so, while men, being male, do not menstruate or suffer during the monthly period. A woman, being a female, is naturally subject to monthly bleeding. When a woman does not menstruate, she is pregnant. If she is pregnant, she becomes, due to pregnancy, less active for about a year, which means that all her natural activities are seriously reduced until she delivers her baby. When she delivers her baby or has a miscarriage, she suffers puerperium, a condition attendant on delivery or miscarriage. As man does not get pregnant, he is not liable to the conditions which women, being female, suffer. Afterwards a woman may breast-feed the baby she bore. Breast-feeding continues for about two years. Breastfeeding means that a woman is so inseparable from her baby that her activity is seriously reduced. She becomes directly responsible for another person whom she assists in his or her biological functions; without this assistance that person would die. The man, on the other hand, neither conceives nor breast-feeds. End of gynaecological statement!

The author was Mr. Ghaddafi, and this is a quote out of his infamous Green Book.


Panos Konstantinidis said...

I thought it was some christian recluse in the arid desert of Syria. I wasn't very far off.

Jim said...

Me I guessed Hitler, not far wrong, both national socialists.......

Anonymous said...

So,it is only a "christian recluse" or a "national socialist"hitler types that talk nowadays about any actual physical differences between the male and female sex .

Gaddafi makes the point that both sexes are neccessary for humanity and human interactions should take that into account.

While The western liberated here, do not wish to talk any real world science at all like this ,out of fear that they might appear to be politicaly incorrect and Patriachal by the new rich world gender aristocracy and the odd gay cheer squad .

If thats the case here I better be off now to join a National Socialist party branch

AgainsTTheWall said...

Even that Libyan moonbat has more sense than the political class in the West :)

dearieme said...

It was obviously a Muslim. On finding it was Gaddaftie, I admit that I was impressed by his restraint.

Anonymous said...

Someone who thinks that women are pregnant for "about a year"...

Other than that, I can't really see any controversy.

Pregnancy Miracle said...

While The western liberated here, do not wish to talk any real world science at all like this, out of fear that they might appear to be politically incorrect and Patriachal by the new rich world gender aristocracy and the odd gay cheer squad.