It's all very well Mr Hannon, but how about spending a little effort to explain how the government should act differently to avoid the effects of the worldwide recession. He spent most of the time criticising and quoting figures without saying anything constructive. It's a bit weak in that respect.
It's all very well Mr Hannon, but how about spending a little effort to explain how the government should act differently to avoid the effects of the worldwide recession.
I propose that his next speaking engagement be addressed to the US govt. Not that the reaction from the "president" would be any different than the pm. Only the faces and the names will change. Well executed speech. There's a reason it is called the "English" language.
Mike, i think he did make some constructive comments ie cut spending or at least stop spending like crazy and also that Brown should just go.... I think you'd see a pop in the economy just off that action.
A brilliant portrayal of Brown's incompetence - he is getting backed into a corner and his days must surely be numbered... British Street Parties for the British People that Brown has betrayed when that pillock leaves no. 10 I say !
I saw coverage on the news last night of Gordon boarding an aeroplane. It suddenly struck me who he reminded me of - he's a chubby version of Richard Nixon. He also was an able chap who seemed to descend into madness.
mike: "He spent most of the time criticising and quoting figures without saying anything constructive. It's a bit weak in that respect."
You perhaps misunderstand the nature of the forum, it is *NOT* a debating chamber, each MEP has exactly a specific time to make his point. That's it, microphone cut off.
Brown was nailed.
As usual, Brown's only response is to try and laugh it off.
I don't see anyone else laughing (except the bankers)
Happy to have seen this on three of my favourite blogsites already.
A superb performance by Mr Hannan but why did it take an MEP to do it? Even if Cameron isn't up to it, Hague should have the ability.
Must we assume that the Conservatives are so leary of the next economic phase,they are saying "twist my arm realy hard and beg me to lead you." (?)
A David
Just watched this on Guido's site. Absolutely brilliant, in 3 minutes he nailed on exactly what the problems were with this useless government.
An independant MEP to boot, A David.
It's all very well Mr Hannon, but how about spending a little effort to explain how the government should act differently to avoid the effects of the worldwide recession.
He spent most of the time criticising and quoting figures without saying anything constructive. It's a bit weak in that respect.
情趣 來看看
And we get Dave.
mike said...
It's all very well Mr Hannon, but how about spending a little effort to explain how the government should act differently to avoid the effects of the worldwide recession.
Still immensely satisfying though.
I propose that his next speaking engagement be addressed to the US govt. Not that the reaction from the "president" would be any different than the pm. Only the faces and the names will change. Well executed speech. There's a reason it is called the "English" language.
I think Hannon WAS suggesting something positive, Mike.
Getting rid of Brown for starters.
gordon brown is a fat cunt
Mike, i think he did make some constructive comments ie cut spending or at least stop spending like crazy and also that Brown should just go.... I think you'd see a pop in the economy just off that action.
A brilliant portrayal of Brown's incompetence - he is getting backed into a corner and his days must surely be numbered... British Street Parties for the British People that Brown has betrayed when that pillock leaves no. 10 I say !
Please come and manage me.
The world
I saw coverage on the news last night of Gordon boarding an aeroplane. It suddenly struck me who he reminded me of - he's a chubby version of Richard Nixon. He also was an able chap who seemed to descend into madness.
mike: "He spent most of the time criticising and quoting figures without saying anything constructive. It's a bit weak in that respect."
You perhaps misunderstand the nature of the forum, it is *NOT* a debating chamber, each MEP has exactly a specific time to make his point. That's it, microphone cut off.
Under the circumstances, Hannan did good.
The links in Taiwanese at anon 21:58 appear to be all to sex sites. Better delete that one eh?
Sending this video to everyone I know!
Spread the word people.
The links in Taiwanese at anon 21:58 appear to be all to sex sites. Better delete that one eh?
Better keep it if it is good pr0n - it's so rare on the internet today.
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