To tell the truth, I never found Jimmy Carr funny, at least until today.
Avoiding tax is fine. But what about putting on a left wing pose, insisting that others should pay more tax, while secretly stashing your cash abroad? What is the right word to describe that?
inveterate bore....
disturbing photo, btw....
It is only the hypocrisy that is objectionable. If we have a crazy, overcomplex, open to abuse tax and welfare system, it is hardly surprising that people will take advantage.
Besides, is there not some consistancy in those who tell others how to behave in the UK being much less holy under the surface? MP's, tabloid journalists, Peers of the Realm, heads of charities, etc?
So many leading 'entertainers' are of this bent.
Telling us to do one thing whilst behaving in a very different way themselves.
Bono and Bob Geldoff are the worst.
No. In fact Prince Charles is.
He gets paid from the public purse to get rich - lives a gloriously opulant lifestyle and then lectures the rest of us on waste.
Are these people thick or something ? Are we ???
I do believe that Jimmy Carr's dad is a self made millionaire and his brother runs a hedge fund.
Although I believe he has said he comes from Slough, whilst sort of true, he actually comes from the Stoke Poges/Gerrards Cross area which has one of the highest concentration's of millionaires in the UK. If you google the row he had with his dad (in the London Evening Standard) then none of this would seem out of character.
In fairness, I've been to see Jimmy Carr live and have also bought and read a rather good book he part wrote about comedy and I am not sure, apart from the obligatory jokey condemnation of the BNP he made, that he said anything that could be construed as particularly left wing.
He did make a Frankie Boyle type joke about downs syndrome kids which did make me ponder the strange value system modern comedians have.
But he was funny and it was a good night out.
He is an ex-devout Catholic and now born again atheist - which may have something to do with his OTT irreverence.
Be fair - he wouldn't get on the Beeb unless he made leftie remarks.
Tony Blairism ..........?
IT Contractors can be "paid" this way, and I've known people who were.
Never fancied it as, to make it kosher the loan must be capable of being called in. I don't know why someone doesn't buy one of those companies out, then call in all the loans !
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