Sunday 30 November 2008

David Cameron's question

I cannot believe that David Cameron, the leader of the opposition even has to ask the following question:

"The question is: does he (the Prime Minister) think it is right for an MP who has apparently done nothing to breach our national security - and everything to inform the public of information they're entitled to know - to have his home and office searched by a dozen counter-terrorist police officers, his phone, blackberry and computers confiscated, and to be arrested and held for nine hours?"

The Damian Green affair is really frightening. New Labour and the Police crossed a line here and they may never retrace their steps. The UK is already the most watched society in the world. Now we have an oppositon leader being arrested for essentially doing his job.

First, the UK government calls Iceland a terrorist state, then it arrests Damian Green and again that ominous word "terror" crops up again. These are very dark days.


Anonymous said...

the thin edge of a very long and dangerous wedge, methinks.

Anonymous said...

"New Labour and the Police"

Saying such a thing without fear of contradiction, that is frightening.

Anonymous said...

One more thing. I suppose we can blame Thatcher for the state of the Police. It was She that introduced fast track promotion to the higher ranks from the Universities. Big mistake, Huge!

RenterGirl said...

The thing is, this was done in the full glare of the media, and when parliament reconvenes, under scrutiny of the house (PMQ's will blow the roof off, I hope.) What's scary is, how utterly stupid it is. I mean, what an own goal.

Anonymous said...

Just wait - Downing Street may be painted blue soon :)

B. in C.

Anonymous said...

New Labour is a criminal organisation. They function like one, and they have minted it like one over the past 11 years. They are corrupt to the core.

Anonymous said...

It's at times like this that you begin to see how totalitarian regimes come about. It's very frightening when anyone can be branded a terrorist.

Anonymous said...

The Met has become the KGB - Kommissars of Gordon Brown. Or should that be KommiSSars?

Anonymous said...

just watch what is really happening... Scary... Really.

Nick von Mises said...

Somebody just blamed Thatcher for this? Please tell me you are joking.

Anonymous said...

There's something very odd about this Green affair... because it is, so clearly, an own goal if it was orchestrated by Labour.... and I consider them more capable (in a Machiavellian sense) than this.

I think this has something to do with Ian Blair's departure as top man at the Met... after clashing with Boris Johnson. We're in an amusing situation in which the police have acquired spectacular powers - but have no credible formal structure by which they can be held accountable.