My last post on the Irish property bubble generated a lot of interest. As a follow up, I thought a comparative look at the two bubbles on each side of the Irish sea might be interesting.
Sure enough, the Irish bubble beats the UK one by miles. Moreover, the Irish collapse has been underway for sometime. The turning point is January 2007, whereas the UK crash began only in October 2007.
Try the Sunday buisness post newspaper for Irish housing and commercial news
Nice chart, but I think it shows precisely the opposite of the Irish bubble beating the UK one by miles. If anything it shows they were almost identical. The Irish went slightly higher, slightly faster. That's all.
Asteve, I could definitely add the US, but it would be OFHEO data, which basically covers the conforming loan end of the market (i.e. low risk, high quality mortgages). Nevertheless, give me a day or so, and I will post something. Always happy to do requests.
thought you guys might like my site, we've been tracking changes in asking prices in Ireland for nearly a year now and are seeing some hefty markdowns. Find it at
What Mark Wadsworth said is on the button, Northern ireland was in an amazing bubble, and now its market is on its ass. I'm a surveyor and i got out quick, now working in the middle east. N.I. is still suffering. 3 bed semi taking the worst hit, down approx 25-25% depending on area. CH
What Mark Wadsworth said is on the button, Northern ireland was in an amazing bubble, and now its market is on its ass. I'm a surveyor and i got out quick, now working in the middle east. N.I. is still suffering. 3 bed semi taking the worst hit, down approx 25-25% depending on area. CH
Try the Sunday buisness post newspaper for Irish housing and commercial news
Nice graph... I wonder if we could have lines added for the USA and Spain?
Nice chart, but I think it shows precisely the opposite of the Irish bubble beating the UK one by miles. If anything it shows they were almost identical. The Irish went slightly higher, slightly faster. That's all.
Asteve, I could definitely add the US, but it would be OFHEO data, which basically covers the conforming loan end of the market (i.e. low risk, high quality mortgages). Nevertheless, give me a day or so, and I will post something. Always happy to do requests.
Alice, you can get Case-Shiller too off their website. If you want it, I can e-mail it to you.
thought you guys might like my site, we've been tracking changes in asking prices in Ireland for nearly a year now and are seeing some hefty markdowns. Find it at
Or if you want to spice things up, just add Northern Ireland to the chart, that was the most mental bubble of all.
We should have a great day today.
What Mark Wadsworth said is on the button, Northern ireland was in an amazing bubble, and now its market is on its ass. I'm a surveyor and i got out quick, now working in the middle east. N.I. is still suffering. 3 bed semi taking the worst hit, down approx 25-25% depending on area. CH
What Mark Wadsworth said is on the button, Northern ireland was in an amazing bubble, and now its market is on its ass. I'm a surveyor and i got out quick, now working in the middle east. N.I. is still suffering. 3 bed semi taking the worst hit, down approx 25-25% depending on area. CH
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