Friday, 27 February 2009

Police state Britain

Here is a challenge; can anyone reconcile these three statements; all from today's guardian...

On any objective basis, this government has done more to reinforce and strengthen liberty than any since the war.

Jack Straw, Justice Secretary

The government is planning to get around a European court ruling that condemned Britain's retention of the DNA profiles of more than 800,000 innocent people by keeping the original samples used to create the database, the Guardian has learned.

The Guardian

Genetic information taken from nearly 1.1 million children is now stored on the national DNA database, official figures show, and campaigners believe that as many as half of them have no criminal convictions.

The Guardian


Anonymous said...

thats easy and logical with teh right understanding.

see the dna is a crime prevention tool. citizens liberty is being "protected" with teh ability to instantly identify any wrong doer from information obtained at birth. And that nasty old EU, well they just dont understand, so we will ignore them.

Unchecked power always turns abusive. US and GB govts are unchecked and are now focusing their control on crushing civil liberties to "lock down and protect" their subjects..(err should that be citizens?)

They dont listen to the people anymore. its all about their plans and their desires. Anyone who doesnt see it yet is behind the times.

Anonymous said...

Look at the legislation coming on stream this year: it is all about further populating extensive databases on everyone: their tastes, habits, travel, CCTV images, earnings, class status, etc. This is already being used to stop people from getting jobs and 'getting a bit above themselves'. Gotta love socialism!

deepian said...

wow - Jack Straw is straight out of Orwell's Ministry of Truth.

Anonymous said...

Mind you, the easiest way to reconcile any two things from the Nurdgaia is to accept the high likelihood that one or both are inaccurate.

Mitch said...

The words "hypocrisy","honour" and "honesty" are among the words missing from nulabs dictionary.

Electro-Kevin said...

And you think the economy is our biggest problem ?

The next stage of Britain's demise is civil disorder. The one after that is the invocation of the Civil Contingencies Act and the suspension of democracy.

Brown knows that this is the only way that Nu Lab are going to retain power. The middle-classes are being deliberately goaded into a fight.

Anonymous said...

I believe we are being goaded as well

Anonymous said...

and their provocations will only become more in your face as we move

Anonymous said...

Yep,that's why they have already told us that Financial Fools Day will be a riot.

oh well, might as well riot now whilst we still can.

Anonymous said...

And I bet you the incoming Tory regime doesn't strike a single one of these "progressive" laws down.

We need a libertarian revolution on this island. A bill of rights for the indigenous people, and electoral reform to stop the massive majorities of seats being used to dictate to us when a tiny minority elects the governing party. Tories or Liebour. They have not been elected by a true majority for decades

Unknown said...

I can reconcile them. The Government having my DNA doesn't affect my "liberty" at all. I am no less free if they have it than if they don't.

I'm less likely to be arrested for something I didn't do, and I'm more likely to get justice if I am a victim. I have more 'liberty' to go about my daily business.

There are lots of things Governments can do that restrict liberty, but this isn't one of them, it's just a libertarian sob story. It has no effect on real people. So the Government has my DNA. So what? It can have my Tesco clubcard number and inside leg measurement for all I care, it can't do anything to me with them.

Man in a Shed said...

If your looking for consistency in the Guardian then I have to say you've chosen an odd place to look ;-)

Anonymous said...


You would have to know the future with certainty to say you could guarantee that this government or the next ones would not seek to use your information in a way that could harm your person or your liberty.

You should ask yourself the question - what could Hitler have done with all of Germany's information, or even Europe's, if he had it to use.

Anonymous said...

How did we let things get so far....?

Unknown said...

Anonymous, did the absence of government IT projects and so forth significantly impede Hitler then? I don't think it did.

The "Yeah but what if" argument doesn't wash. Maybe we shouldn't have roads or railways in case they're used to transport people to concentration camps. Maybe you shouldn't be allowed a house with a cellar in case you use it to imprison your daughter for 18 years while she bears you children.

Or maybe things that can be done for good reasons should be done, and we should aim to stop the bad people, not handicap everyone in the hope that it will hobble their plans more than anyone else's...

Anonymous said...

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