The first quarter number stood in stark contrast to last year's deficit. In 2007, the deficit was just horrible. The UK imported about 4.5 percent of GDP more than it exported. In fact, in terms of GDP, the 2007 deficit was the second largest in around 50 years.

Unfortunately, a closer examination of the data reveals a very different story. The UK has continued to import. The current account improvement came from a sudden reduction in the amount of profits and investment income that UK firms are sending to their foreign shareholders and creditors.
For those unfamiliar with balance of payments accounting, the current account comprises of four components; a trade account, which includes physical goods, a services account, which covers non-physical goods such as insurance; an income account, that records what income we receive on investments and what we pay out to our foreign creditors and holders of UK equity. Finally, there is the current transfers account, which covers our "charitable giving"; humanitarian aid and other such things.
The chart below records the first two items of the current account; the goods and services balance. There is no major improvement here; the UK continues to import more than it exports in much the same way has it has done for years.

For years, the UK has run up huge external deficits. It has been able to do this because foreigners were willing to buy UK assets. These purchases generated an inflow that allowed UK residents to buy lots of imports. Foreign investors were happy to buy UK assets so long as they generated healthy returns. The sudden shift in the income balance threatens this happy arrangement.
Lower net investment receipts might improve the current account in the short run, it won't work in the long run. A large current account deficit needs to be financed. Foreigners will not buy our assets if investment returns continue to fall. It is just one more adjustment the UK economy must make in the new post-housing bubble reality.
Good post. I haven't heard this discussed anywhere else.
Nick, you are a bit fast, actually, I am still editing it for typos. Alice
Nick BTW, thanks for the kinds words. As always, your comments are much appreciated. Alice
Thanks greatly for this one, Alice, it is very illuminating. I used to keep account of our exports compared with Germany, having lived there and noted that Germany's exports in a month used to come quite close to ours over the year. I wonder what the latest figures would reveal.
For me, the comparison with Germany shows a real economy versus much tricky stuff with numbers that is coming unravelled; we are a country that calls mortgages are 'products' - enough said.
I wonder where the pound/Euro rate will be once the Germans have fully modernised Eastern Europe...
B. in C.
Alice,your blog has become compulsive reading, two or three times a day. The comments are facinating, but being a simple lad with a secondary modern education it really is struggle to keep up.
But I am beginning to realise that this country is living on fresh air.It resembles a shop that has sold everything of value and all thats left is the packaging.
This blog is the scariest thing on the web.
Good analysis... though, I guess, an under-reported aspect must be that UK direct investment abroad is still paying dividends?
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